April 20, 2024
8:15 am to 4:30 pm
This event already took place.
Dionne Powell, M.D.
Distinguished Guest Speaker
Beverly Stoute, M.D.
Distinguished Guest Speaker
Robin Rayford, M.A.
Moderator and Co-Chair
The MPS 47th Annual Symposium brings together two distinguished scholars and practitioners who will invite us to consider how cultural and historical elements and events impact our unconscious and, therefore, our intra-psychic perspectives. Our speakers will present leading-edge material throughout what promises to be an informative and enlightening day. We will engage in small group discussions to reflect on and consider how existing social/cultural systems of thought relative to race, racism, trauma, and anxiety impact our perspectives and, therefore, our relationships with our patients and each other. The critical thinking of these great modern-day thinkers offers theoretical frameworks essential in preparing us to address racialized issues as they will inevitably present in the clinical setting.
Dr. Powell will draw our attention to the racial: how concepts of whiteness, blackness, and the racial other are convenient yet superficial and non-dynamic signifiers with the potential to interfere in the recognition and working through racial trauma regardless of the racial pair. Utilizing Freud, Laplanche, Loewald and others, with examples from the creative arts, and clinical vignettes to demonstrate how race is embodied and symbolized in mind opens this therapeutic aperture for further theoretical, and clinical use.
Dr. Stoute will help us to understand how we internalize culturally defined propositions about race and inclinations to discriminate as we grow up that reflect our psychosocial history of slavery and its legacy of racial discrimination and terror. Over generations, a cultural template of destructive sadism, through a repetition compulsion, results in learned silence and group enactments of racism. The template formulated here elaborates a framework for the psychodynamic understanding of racial enactments that goes beyond typical explanations of group psychology and forces us to reflect, as Fanon did, on how culture seeps its way into our minds?