Patient and Colleague Assistance (PACA)

PACA is a joint committee between MPI and MPS.

Alan Krohn, Ph.D.

Co-Chair, PACAdrakrohn@comcast.net248-320-3571

Christine Parcells, M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Chair, PACAchrisparcells@comcast.net313-884-0042

This joint committee of the Society and Institute is available to any patient, student, candidate, or faculty member who may have a concern about the competency or ethical behavior of any psychoanalyst whether in an educational or clinical situation. The committee will handle all concerns or complaints confidentially. An inquiry may be initiated through consulting the Co- Chairs, Alan Krohn, Ph.D. or Christine Parcells, M.D., Ph.D., or any of the committee members: Nancy Blieden, Ph.D., Marcy Broder, L.M.S.W., Sanford Koltonow, M.D., Robin Rayford, M.A., Marc Rosen, Ph.D., or Margaret Walsh, Ph.D., or any of the officers of the Institute or Society. The committee uses consultation and mediation to assist patients and colleagues. For further information, please contact any of the above listed committee members.
